Our Story
Founded by Katie Tilton, a certified school teacher, artist, engineer, inventor and entrepreneur who saw the need to increase the number programs that support discovery based learning.
Brain Monkeys has been offering inquiry based programs since 2009. We offer after school enrichment, evening and weekend classes and workshops, clubs and groups, private tutoring, summer camp sessions and more.
Our programs are offered in the areas of robotics, engineering, physics, technology, design and tech design, computer programming, electronics and science. We also have may Maker Education programs where we teach students basic tool use and safety, soldering instruction and design and project creation using today's technology and equipment such as 3D printers and laser cutters.
Check out our services page and our store for up to date information on all of our programs.
Our Approach
Our Approach
Instructors provide an inquiry-based curriculum which promotes understanding across the disciplines and emphasizes depth over breadth. Teachers act as facilitators by providing students with an atmosphere in which they are encouraged to think for themselves, pose questions, investigate hypotheses and pursue solutions. Students become writers, scientists, researchers, explorers and artists as they consider open-ended questions that stretch cognitive abilities and honor individual learning styles.